Sunday, April 22, 2012

Underwater Dojo

Received some pretty bad critique after my first update for this concept. So really tried to go back and push the details and rework some of the lighting and scene itself. Really want to start working on my fundamentals as far as color schemes and lighting.

Concept was an underwater Dojo. Had some character sketches flushed out and might get around to further developing them. They were this varied sea creature Asian inspired race. It was just a fun concept really for the characters who might inhabit this area but it could really be any kind of future underwater city.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Team Production 1

Star Wars, Facial Expression Practice

Steampunk Rifle

"Forge of Heshion"

My contributions to a small group project. 

"Tragark Plains"

A conceptual narrative of a young orc's journey, from his starting homestead to the ruins of his once great civilization and finally to his peoples modern day capital city.

A quick sketch of the games main hero, Karg.

Early turnarounds/color concepts/thumbnails from the projects original direction.

Original reference collection.

"Essengrad War Room"


A Designing Interior Spaces and Worlds project. The scene is in the midst of a bloody civil war and a world just barley survived "The Sundering", a decimating event that thrust a peaceful and proud civilization into the gritty, dirty, technological clutches of war. 

Thumbnail drawings for the eventually design of  Essengrad War Room.

Animal Anatomy Explorations

Forsaken Griffin 
Canopy Guardian
Desert Forbearer
 Coral Lantern
Scarlet Macaw
Screech Owl
Tarantula Hawk
Leafy Seadragon

"Spectral Stalker"

"Gagool's Lair"

"Gagool" Character Concept

An impossibly evil and ancient hag, who has witched herself into control of a village king and now plots to destroy his son and take over complete control of the land.